Biography: Cristóbal Izquierdo Curtido

Cristóbal Izquierdo Curtido

Born: In London on February 11, 1983

Since I was a child I have been hyperactive, diagnostic as ADHD person with attention deficit. I felt different and at times separated from people and groups; It was hard to fit in, I always wanted to stand out, I was always wanting to stand out in many ways, I always wanted to be the center of attention. I was a visually fast learner rather than verbal and intellectual comprehension. I learnt things very easily, I always wanted to know more and more. It led me to not fit in well with the profiles of my age, therefore wanting to know more ahead of time led to many falls and learning the hard way. At the age of 13 years, I began to feel misunderstood and started using drugs; My father also lived through a dictatorship when he was young so in my house was the same, he was the son of a civil guard. He grew up in a military regime where he instilled that in me, it was a dictatorship at home like in the Franco era. I considered my father as my father, but I did not have any supportive relationship with him. Everything was always shouting at home and then all I did was always to try to make my father feel proud of me and say I love you or I am proud of you my son, but unfortunately or positively I never got it from him . Now looking at him positively because the truth is that it has been good for me because I have never stopped working with my inner-self and today I would not be the person that I am.

At the age of 18, I made my first attempt to stop using the drug. I joined the army as a paratrooper and there I got a lot of discipline, something that helped me a lot later when I finished my stay in the army. I returned to the south of Spain for 3 years and I kept using cocaine without knowing and realizing how I was getting caught into an addiction.

Then I went to Germany at 23 where I had a beautiful daughter. I was there for 9 years, where I thought that fleeing to another place would make me happy. I was without consuming all that time but I had a huge emptiness inside of me. I was unaware that the change of destiny was not the solution to my happiness. It was not just quitting drugs but a I needed a personal growth, An introspection of knowing myself, understanding where my character defects came from, my traumas, my habits, my attitude, my state of unbalanced emotions. So I was never happy in Germany and I did not know how to face situations or problems in a coherent way. I was very successful in Germany, because of my leadership talents, communicator skills despite not speaking the language, open-minded, concrete, pragmatic, visionary, empathetic, sensitive, charismatic, I had a company where I was subcontracted to Ducholux, Saniku and Dusar; I set up shower cabins for bathrooms with three vans and 6 workers within a 300km radius.

I combined it with Network Marketing, I got a company car at 11 days that normally is obtained between 6 to 8 months and I had more than 3000 people in my organization. It was a company where cosmetic and perfumery aloe vera was distributed. My organization grew so much that I started giving motivational seminars. I learned to be a motivational coach by attending other seminars and getting the best of each leader who told their experiences and metaphorical examples, then I shared the marketing and sales strategies with my organization and even with other groups as a collaboration. I was the sales manager of the company BH, Spanish bicycles but in the Fitness and gym machinery line for a man who had a contract in Germany and I was very successful, but only economically !. During the 8 years that I was separated from my daughter’s mother, I thought that she did not fill me when I was really the one who was empty, I spent with my daughter on weekends and she took care of …

During the 8 years that I was separated from my daughter’s mother, I thought that she did not fill me when I was really the one who was empty, I spent with my daughter on weekends and she took care of her father, I remember going to the parks and she I looked overwhelmed and when I asked her: where do you want to ride Kiara? she told me: wherever you want dad! She just wanted to see her dad happy when she was only 4 or 5 years old. She had to mature very early due to the separation situation and when my daughter was 8 years old I decided to go back to Spain by myself. I suffered and did not want my daughter to see me anymore. I was lost, and when I went back to Spain, was when I fell deeply into drugs again, my daughter was in Germany and I was in Spain. I took a lot of drugs for that reason I wanted to forget everything and fix my problem, but no matter how much I took, my daughter was in Germany and I was in Spain. I knew that at that time I was not the most appropriate father to be close to her because of my internal battle and she did not deserve to live it with me. I thought that my only happiness was to consume because I did not know that I had to do a deep internal work of my interior, with the drug issue I was addicted to cocaine for many years, I already began to lose my mind, have more fears, insecurities, impulsivities, frustration, jealousy, I felt unprotected and scared, I couldn’t take care of myself and another child was on the way. I already had very strong character defects as I have mentioned, and traumas and problems with my new partner, the mother of my son. Everything was simply vanished momently with drugs, which has not led me anywhere good. My problem continued, and shortening the story, because it was already starting one day and not finishing until 3 or 4 days without stopping to consume. I even had psychotic outbreaks on the verge of schizophrenia. My son was on his way and I could see that this was not life. So I had to get to the point of hating myself so that I could turn my life around, I reached a point where it was totally in darkness in my life. I needed urgently to look for meaning, and take responsibility in my life and being aware that it was not a lifestyle that I wished and that this path was going to take me worse, I knew that I was going to end up dead, in jail or in a mental hospital, or I would recover, So with all my courage and all my strength. I chose not to continue destroying myself, so I entered a center with a program that initially lasted 4 months with great success

That was where I began to make my new life and work my interior with myself and find and understand the root of all my problems, then I attended to another 4 different recovery programs, at 8 months I began to practice as a therapist specialized in addictions. Time went by and I realized that my mission and passion was to help people, because I realized that no one deserves to suffer the way I had suffered; I knew that my mission was to help everyone. I could, I would reach out to all those people in need and that my wisdom and experience was to share. At 9 months I got my first degree as a therapist and after a year I already had my diploma of social mediator for drug addicts from the Ministry of Justice and I started treating patients on my own. Some of my patients became program monitors and then therapists with all the techniques integrated in them. I had and have a great Master Antonio Hiraldo Sanz who always followed me in my evolution. He never abandoned me and was always very attentive to me, polishing me like a diamond in the rough that he knew I was. I studied and integrated all religions, I studied anthropology of the human being, kabbalah, mysticism, quantum physics, metaphysics, esotericism, tree of life, universal mathematics, spiritualism, levels of consciousness, ethics, human principles and values ​​and universal laws, I started to work on and watched many videos of more techniques to expand my knowledge on personal growth, learning how to desintegrate the ego and controlling character defects and to manage emotions. Always using the tools until integrating them and becoming part of my new me. I always had that gift of introspection of psychoanalysis, in short, a gift of knowing people. Once everything was clear in my head, it allowed me to evolve very quickly and created my own program from my experience, wisdom and inspiration: an addiction program primarily because it was my root and my birth where my problem came from. So I began to practice it. Satisfactorily in a short time, I realized that addiction is just an obstacle that doesn’t allow you to continue on your personal growth journey and that an addiction doesn’t give you the peace that you need to evolve and grow throughout the evolutionary process.

My team and I progressed to expand with the option of helping more people and not only addicts but people with an extreme high power ego, character defects and unbalanced emotions. My team and I were very successful with the personal growth program, I discovered that the formula could be applied by treating both problems at the same time with success after treating many people. The program itself disintegrates what the ego is and to be aware and work from consciousness, manage our emotions and know how to manage day-to-day problems/situations that are presented to us in our lives without affecting us in a way that we suffer or hurt others with our actions. We need to set an example for human evolution and the world to make earth a better place. I have understood that this path that I have chosen makes my journey on earth much calmer and happier, producing me a satisfaction and gratification that is priceless; to smile again like when I was a child is the true peace and emotion of purity that I missed as I was growing up and obtaining the wrong path since my childhood. This has led me to understand that This is my mission on earth, to aware people of who they really are and how to live in harmony. Since it is part of my lifestyle, culture and inner peace, it is my duty to share this key to success to as many needed people in the world as I can. These are the reasons, principles of ethics and human values which have led me to the inspiration and creation of this unique and wonderful program to share with the world. I have been very successful helping people with 100% satisfactory results for more than 2 years.

Today has come the moment to take it to the next step to humanity let us know and understand where the true success is. Everything has been perfectly tested and proven where it is incredibly successful. All people who really want to make the change and are ready to give them selves the chance to make a change. Here at the program the tools we use will stop irrational / negative thoughts where they will be leaded to mend their unbalanced emotions, heal and have under control their character defects that are unintentionally in most cases activated by producing internal conflicts and harm themselves and people around them.

The mind and ego must not only be identified but also stopped but we must also reprogram how to be in control with ourselves and not deceive ourselves. There are techniques combined with tools to reprogram and work from consciousness and not from the mind. The program is very complete because we work, mind, inner awareness, physical well-being and health, a complete balance that we all need. In the program we do sports, yoga, breathing techniques to relax that lead us to be on guard to identify where our thoughts come from, our worst enemy that is the mind and to be able to face it. Also individual therapies to keep track of each guest, mirror group therapies where it is done as a group and they feel identified with other guests to evolve. We are a mirror projections of ourselves.

This is the starting point where we begin to feel the true magic of reality and realize our new goal to achieve a vision and solution towards the new life that we can have.